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It should because I know that I have deleted one of my post and it was not able to be accessed to my friends nor myself.

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Q: If you delete your post does it delete from entire news feed wall?
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Can someone else delete a post i put on news feed?

if it is the peson's status or post the can delete the coment otherwise if its your status or post the can never delete it !✎

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How do you delete a facebook news feed?

1. Go to your profile 2. Scroll over the top right corner of the post you would like to delete 3. An "X" should appear in that spot; click it 4. A small window should pop up, this window is to confirm that you would like to delete this status update 5. Click "Delete" 6. Your post should have disappeared from your wall and your friends' news feed

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Its automatic!

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'Feed' refers to your news feed. When your friends post animals to be adopted, they appear on your news feed. To adopt them click on 'Adopt [Animal]'

If you delete a post on your Facebook wall will it be deleted from live feed also?

No it will not.

How can you control what your friends see in their News Feeds?

You can only control your posts on your friends news feed. You can custom every post.

How do you prevent your posts from coming up on Facebook news feed?

Don't post anything.

How do you post stuff on the news feed on Facebook?

Do statuses and add photos and your stuff will come up

In Facebook how do you eliminate one friend's news-feed after you have already accepted them as a friend?

You go to your Home page, or when you first sign in, and it has their news feeds. If you find that friends, then you go to a post that they made, and if you were to delete it, it has two options. One to hide your friends posts, or hide the application. So you click on Hide the friend.

Facebook remove friends from news feed?

On the top right corner of a friend's news feed there will be an 'x' click in and you can either select to remove that one post by the person or hide all posts from that person.

How do you delete messages on foopets?

On forums, click edit post then delete post On messages, click delete