It should because I know that I have deleted one of my post and it was not able to be accessed to my friends nor myself.
The Huffington Post was created to be a liberal version of the Drudge Report (a conservative news site). It is a news site as well as a content collection blog.
MTV provides fashion news on their blog. Eonline has a fashion news area on their blog. Entertainment news and the Huffington Post have fashion news on their blogs.
she will stay now
According to Wikipedia, at age 14, Henry Fonda's father took him to a lynching of a suspect in a rape. In those days, lynchings were considered as civic events to be enjoyed by the entire community. Local newspapers openly carried news of the hangings, and sometimes post cards of the lynching victim were sold as souvenirs. If the lynching victim was a black crime suspect, no investigation of the lynch mob would ever occur.
they obviously do in the wedding and I think they might another time but iv only read no. 32 and am waiting for 33 so I guesst that's a es will post the entire part when they do .
if it is the peson's status or post the can delete the coment otherwise if its your status or post the can never delete it !✎
How do you delete profile of someone in news feed of face book?
1. Go to your profile 2. Scroll over the top right corner of the post you would like to delete 3. An "X" should appear in that spot; click it 4. A small window should pop up, this window is to confirm that you would like to delete this status update 5. Click "Delete" 6. Your post should have disappeared from your wall and your friends' news feed
Its automatic!
'Feed' refers to your news feed. When your friends post animals to be adopted, they appear on your news feed. To adopt them click on 'Adopt [Animal]'
No it will not.
You can only control your posts on your friends news feed. You can custom every post.
Don't post anything.
Do statuses and add photos and your stuff will come up
You go to your Home page, or when you first sign in, and it has their news feeds. If you find that friends, then you go to a post that they made, and if you were to delete it, it has two options. One to hide your friends posts, or hide the application. So you click on Hide the friend.
On the top right corner of a friend's news feed there will be an 'x' click in and you can either select to remove that one post by the person or hide all posts from that person.
On forums, click edit post then delete post On messages, click delete