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It depends on what you mean by clone?

If it is not an itouch, then you will not be able to use the apple apps.

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Q: If you bought a itouch clone can you put apps on it?
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Related questions

How can you put itouch apps into computer?

Connect your iPod to your computer and sync it.

How many apps can you put on an 8gb itouch?

It depends on the size of the apps. Obviously, the bigger an app, the less space you have to put more apps on it. You could have hundreds of small apps or just a few dozen big apps.

How do you put your applications onto an ipod nano?

im sorry but apps are only for iphone and itouch

How many applications can you put on a 8gb Itouch?

The Apple iPod touch (regardless of storage) is limited to 144 apps.

What do you need to have a itouch?

To have a itouch you would need: itunes to put music,apps,tv shows,movies. Inter net to download itunes and a charging cord that comes with it. You will allso need a email account and credit/debit card to buy apps and music.

How do you make my itouch into 2.0?

you can jailbreak it (FREE) the get the apps in the 2nd gen or send it to apple for them to put the app store on it ( cost about 20$)

Can I put Apps on my Ipod from someone else's?

no unfortunately there is no software out yet that allows you to transfer apps from one itouch to another but I'm sure apple will make a app or something that lets you do that in the not to distant future

How much music can you put in an itouch 8gb?

It depends on how many apps and movies you have on there. None, then1750 songs approximately. I have 8g with 3 pages of apps and a movieand have 300 songs with close to most memory left.

Can you put music on RockBand2 with an Itouch?

If you can connect to the internet with the Itouch, then I believe you can.

How can you put the games to my itouch?

Buy them from the app store directly on the itouch.

If you bought an iPod touch would you be able to put apps on it?

yes.go to the app store and search what you want.

What is itouch DS?

Simply put, it's itouch's Operating System on the Nintendo DS.