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Probably not. It is important to keep track of when the pains occur, how long, and are they intense or just uncomfortable? Don't be afraid to talk to your OB, the nurse practitioner or whomever you are seeing for pre-natal care. Even if you feel a little foolish, they can relieve your anxiety. And believe me they want to know. Good Luck!

You have nothing to be worried about. Period like pains are normal in the early stages of pregnancy, its the uterus stretching. Try and get as much rest as possible and do not lift anything at ALL!!

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Q: If you are in the very early stages of pregnancy and are still getting period pains but no bleeding is this anything to worry about?
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If you have negative pregnancy test with missed period and bleeding are you pregnant?

Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period

What does it mean when your period comes early and have had pregnancy symptoms?

it is a possiblity that you are pregnant, and you're getting implantation bleeding and not your period. wait a week after your period was due and take a test.

What are the chances of getting your period while actually being pregnant when you have several pregnancy symptoms?

It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

Does your period effect a pregnancy test?

Vaginal bleeding does not affect a pregnancy test.

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Its possible to have bleeding during pregnancy that You mistake for your period

Would you get your period the first few weeks of pregnancy?

no -- once pregnant you won't get a period, however some people do experience bleeding especialy during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. the bleeding you get during the first few weeks i implantation bleeding. Visit it has plenty of info on early pregnancy and bleeding

You took a pregnancy test and it was negative then you had your period 2 days later was it your period or pregnancy bleeding?

Most likely your period. You're probs not pregnant.

Can chlamydia cause a longer period?

No but pregnancy can. Be sure to get a pregnancy test to make sure that's not the cause of your late period.Women can still have periods if they have chlamydia. You can have chlamydia with or without getting your period.

What if you get your period but have all of the other symptoms of pregnancy?

stop worrying! If you are bleeding, very low chance of pregnancy

Will decidual bleeding be shorter than your normal period?

During early pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause ovulation or a thickening of the uterine lining that sheds, in spite of the presence of a fertilized egg. When this happens around the time of your normal period, it is called decidual bleeding and the amount of blood can be the same as a period. It occurs in about 30% of pregnancies and while bleeding in early pregnancy is always alarming, most woman go on to have a normal pregnancy. Light bleeding or spotting, before your period is due, may be implantation bleeding, again harmless. Always notify your doctor when you experience any bleeding during pregnancy.

Is having your period while pregnant a myth?

Not exactly. Some women have bleeding in the first month of two of pregnancy, but it is not technically a period. Also, if you have heavy bleeding during pregnancy, you might actually be having a miscarriage.

You started your period five days early could you be pregnant?

If you are having a period, you are not pregnant. However many women confuse their periods with vaginal bleeding and vaginal bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy particularly in early pregnancy.