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Dreams are created inside of the brain. Though you may be able to "see" what is happening in your dream, your eyes have absolutely nothing to do with that. As to what you dream, believe it or not, blind people are no different from sighted people. They still dream just as vivid, the contents of the dreams are no different.

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Q: If you are born blind can you dream if so what?
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What is Structure of explanation text?

a text

Why is the blind spot so called?

a blind spot is when someone stares at the light and it makes a spot in there eye that makes them blind.they call it a blind spot because it makes you blind and it makes a spot in your eye.

What is the structure also known as the blind spot?

The blind spot is the part of the eye where the optic nerve leaves the eye. There are no light receptors so that is why it is called the blind spot.The spot is called the optic disc, or optic nerve head. Whatever part of your field of vision that falls upon this small spot will not be transmitted to the brain as part of the image. Fortunately for us, where two healthy eyes are functioning, the blind spot of each eye is compensated for by the other eye. There are quick and easy demonstrations of the blind spot that can be very dramatic for first-timers. What you 'perceive' at the blind spot is what the brain literally fills in. The spot seems to take on the general texture and color of whatever is around it. There is no perception of a 'black spot', or an empty space, since these would have to be detected visually.

Are doves color blind?

No they are not

What causes your blind spot?

At the small spot in each eye where the optic nerve exits the eye, they are no light receptors and therefore no vision. The blind spots are to the outer sides of the field of vision and therefore less critical than if they were close to the center. Also, the blind spot in each eye is compensated for by the other eye for those who have two intact eyes.

Related questions

Do blind people have dreams when they sleep?

If the person has always been blind, then they wouldn't dream about colour. They would not know what any colour looks like. If they were not always blind, then they can still see colour in their dreams.

Can a blind person see dreams who is born with blindness?

Everyone dreams...there is distinguish that blind can't dream....Everyone have a way of visualizing their thoughts,expression i.e dreams

Does a blind person dream in images?

its not possible if they always been blind

What actors and actresses appeared in Blind Dream - 2006?

The cast of Blind Dream - 2006 includes: Melissa Goad Cameron Ziedler

Where is the dream master in the second dream realm on the song of dreams?

When you enter the second dream realm are you blind

How did Ryan higa go blind?

He was born blind he could see but his vision was so bad he was legally blind but he had eye surgery and is not longer blind

Are chickens born blind?

No, I don't think so.

Was blind Boone blind when he was born?

NO he wasn't born blind.

How do blind deaf and dumb people dream?

Blind, deaf, and mute individuals can still experience dreams using their other senses and memories. Dreams can involve sensations, emotions, and thoughts that do not necessarily rely on visual, auditory, or verbal input. The content of their dreams may vary based on their unique experiences and cognitive processes.

Was the five blind boys born blind?

yes the five blind boys of Mississippi was born blind

What are blind people dreaming about?

Well, I'm not blind or would not be doing this, but blind people can dream about tons of things, it is not cornered in at one or two things.

What does it mean to dream you are blind?

Blindness in a dream is a metaphor for not "seeing" clearly, in the sense of failing to understand some situation. Compare common expressions such as, "I don't see what the fuss is about," or "he is blind to her feelings."