Well, there are 4 weeks in one month so 24 weeks would be 6 months pregnant, so you are 6 months and 1 week pregnant.
Well, let's see. 25/4 (there are usually about 4 weeks in a month, you know) = 6.25. So... 6.25 months. Or, one month and one week.
If you have been pregnant for 25 weeks, you are approximately 6 months pregnant. Below is a small chart that will help you. TRIMESTER 1 Month 1 = Weeks 1-4 Month 2 = Weeks 5-8 Month 3 = Weeks 9-13 TRIMESTER 2 Month 4 = Weeks 14-17 Month 5 = Weeks 18-21 Month 6 = Weeks 22-26 TRIMESTER 3 Month 7 = Weeks 27-30 Month 8 = Weeks 31-35 Month 9 = Weeks 36-40
Half way through about 4 and a half month. All the best!!!
According to dating calendars, pregnancy officially lasts 40 weeks, beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period. We know that most women ovulate around day 14 of her menstrual cycle, which means the baby wasn't really conceived until at least week 2. Thus, if the doctor says you're 25 weeks pregnant, the baby was probably conceived about 23 weeks ago. There's sort of a disconnect between medical dating (40 weeks) and layman's dating (9 months). If you're 25 weeks pregnant, though, you have 15 weeks left to go, which puts you about 5 1/2 months pregnant.
6 months and one week.
25 weeks 3 days
A. 25 Months. 4 weeks in a month. 100 divide 4 = 25 months B. This can be generally solved mathematically: 100 weeks X 1month/4weeks = 25 months The above is far too simplistic. There are 52 weeks in a year so 100 weeks is less than 2 years and also less than 25 months. 100 weeks equates to one year of 52 weeks plus 48 weeks = approximately 1 year and 11 months.
It depends on how you're counting. Doctors determine how far along you are by the beginning date of your last menstrual period (LMP). They then usually follow up this estimation by a dating ultrasound, which gives a more accurate reading of how far along you are. For example, when I got pregnant, I estimated my LMP at February 15th. In mid-April, I discovered I was pregnant, and a few weeks after my first obstetrician's appointment I had an ultrasound, which said that I was 12 weeks along. I then simply counted back 12 weeks from that point and estimated that I got pregnant sometime around March 10th. So if you're 25 weeks pregnant, count back 25 weeks.
6 months 3 weeks 6 months 3 weeks
Month 1 = Weeks 1-4 Month 2 = Weeks 5-8 Month 3 = Weeks 9-13 Month 4 = Weeks 14-17 Month 5 = Weeks 18-21 Month 6 = Weeks 22-26 Month 7 = Weeks 27-30 Month 8 = Weeks 31-35 Month 9 = Weeks 36-40
Each of the three following answers are correct: 5 months, 3 weeks and 4 days. 25 weeks and 3 days. 178 days.