yes, when i was in high school there were a few girls that were pregnant. you have a few things to consider. Your body will change and you won't feel good a lot. you and your parents should talk to the school nurse and come up with a plan of what you can do when you feel sick. As the pregnancy progresses you may not be able to participate in gym class or sports so you need to have a doctors note so you don't fail gym. people will stare and ask question. You need to be aware of that and develop a thick skin so they won't hurt your feelings. Talk to the school psychologist for the best advice in handling any issues that you may be faced with. your best option is finishing as much education as you can, it will help you GREATLY down the road. Rely on the support of you friends, family and school staff to get you through those 9 months. Some high schools offer daycare as part of their child development courses. you may be able to bring you child there and continue going to school. Please please don't drop out. you will be doing your child a great disservice having a mom without an education. If you decide not to go to your school, there are alternative schools you can go to to continue your education. Your guidance counselor or school psychologist can tell you about them. Communication with the school and your parents is key right now, you will soon be responsible for a tiny life that depends on you for everything. Make the best, educated proactive choices that you can. Start planning the future for you and your child and do your best to take care of yourself and the baby. No partying!!!!:) You will have all the time in the world to have fun when you're done growing a person inside you. Good luck , congratulations and best wishes!
we both go to school and then some collage we work for money and still had to ...lots of kids still partyied and were bad just like now
Not sure what you mean by pregnant teen issues but the problems get bigger when the baby is born since then there's a child involved as well and there are teen mom issues.
Unless 16 is the legal age where you are, you are responsible for her unless she gets emancipated.
One can contact the NHS and the FPA in the UK for such advises on how to talk to their pregnant teen. Additionally one can also visit the website of Do Something.
As long as you are physically capable of attending school, then yes. There are no laws or regulations that state otherwise.
No, when a mammal is pregnant it will not go into heat while it is pregnant.
Yes you can, but it's optional, but best thing is you should go to school because you still need your education even if you are carrying a baby, but after giving birth you can be off school for a minimum amount of time but remember you still need to catch up on your education!
Yes, they can go to school.
No. In most of the western world pregnant minors and teen parents have the same parental rights as adults.
terra went to makurami high school p.s. teen titans already came back a week ago
There are good after school programs for teenagers. The YMCA offers after school programs. Community centers are locations where your teen can go also.