Okay well first off I'm in grade 7 so I can help you out. Don't act too eager and be like all over them or be too clingy they find that very annoying and fustrating and don't dress all slutty and crap but don't wear baggy tee shirts and easy - fit jeans; make sure you don't have B.O:total turnoff and SHAVE! You can't really make people like you if they are not physical attracted to you.
in addition try togive him food im in grade 7 too and guys flirt with me when i give them food
be nice to her
flat out tell him you like him. if he doesnt like you then its ok
Just like you would with a guy in your grade
Move on, there are many fish in the sea.
How would you see a guy like you dating a girl like me.
Hey umm.. your one of the nicest girl i have ever met and i kinda like you
not always. a guy in my grade does that 2 every girl and he doesnt like them. alot of guys do that know
I guess you would somehow have to talk it out with the other girl.
The way you would do in every other grade. Just tell her. If she does not like you, don't change who you are just to get her to like you.
if youre asking this question then you don't need to know.
You look at him from across the room and smile. Then you look back at what you are doing. If this doesn't work, try telling him that you like him. You have nothing to loose! (Or get one of your guy-friends to tell him)