Well, you could tell her, or if you are too shy or whatever to do that you could just wait and see if she stops liking them.
who caress. at least let the girl know if you REALLY like her. or youu couldd just wait for her to get over this other guy...but most of the times they cant really get over guys that easily unless they try really hard...:S i suggest you just tell her
have a 3 some? that was a joke, any ways, just because you're dating some one, or are in love doesn't mean you stop seeing other people as hott, if she likes him more than you, well I'm sorry time to break up and move on, sorry but it happens. how ever if she just thinks he's cute or whatever and is in love with you, no worries that's normal, and if you want to get freaky do the 3 some.
Now from a Girl's point of view
First off Um threesome is gross to us unless we're bi or sluts
And find out what she likes in that guy and try to be like him in those ways but still yourself
Just leave them and move on
show how much she means to u.
Leave him, he's apparently in to someone else.
your to little sorry ;) I say be nice to her. If she already likes someone else it may be smart to just be friends with her.
let the best guy/girl win.......
you can say that you like someone else and that there are other boys out there other than the one that the girl likes
you can not do anything. Try to be your self and hope for the best.
Move on and find someone else.
sometimes it means that they like u or they like someone else.
It sucks but the best thing to do is just move on and like someone else. The other option is to be like the girl he likes only one up her every time and be just a little bit cooler and better than her (but that kinda sucks for you if you're nothing like the girl he likes and have to pretend to be someone else)
He likes the girl he kisses unless it was an he didn't mean to kiss that girl. or he likes the girl he kisses and lies and says he like someone else
You let her down gently and try not to hurt her and this is a clue to see if the girl you like likes you You will know if she acts weird around you and avoids you more than anyone else.