Current Age = Current Year - Year of Birth, if the person has had a birthday in the current year and one year less than that if not.
On your birthday in Feb of 2009, you turned 46. On your birthday in Feb of 2010, you turn 47. You ought to be able to handle this kind if math by now.
18 years old in 2011 (After Birthday)
1942 Note: The exact year of birth may change based on the month of birth. Assuming the person is exactly 68 years as of Feb 2010 he should have been born in Feb 1942
I wouldn't b 25 how stupid is that if I was born Feb 1984 to Feb 2024 I'd b 40 so someone needs to update this site so correct answers can b given
The actual birthday of CNN's Vinnie Politian is uncertain. However it is clear that he was born in the year 1975.
what year, my birthday is close to then
Rossini was born on Feb 29th - born in a leap year terefore he only 'had' a birthday once every 4 years.
Current Age = Current Year - Year of Birth, if the person has had a birthday in the current year and one year less than that if not.
Born on Feb. 27 1966
On your birthday in Feb of 2009, you turned 46. On your birthday in Feb of 2010, you turn 47. You ought to be able to handle this kind if math by now.
A person with a leap year birthday day February 29th will have their birthday celebrated on either Feb 28th or March 1st. In the United Kingdom their non-leap year birthday is deemed to be on March 1st whereas in Australia it is deemed to be Feb. 28th. So the date as to win someone can be old enough to consume alcohol is based on their country.
The Rev.'s birthday is February 9th. He was born Feb. 9th, 1981.
feb 27
No, the closest Presidential birthday to Feb. 3rd is Ronald Reagan's birthday on Feb. 6th (1911). Also, former Vice President Dan Quayle will be celebrating his 66th birthday on Feb. 4th, 2013.
Well he was born Feb, 11, 1992