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For air travel, it's important to note that smoking is strictly prohibited on commercial flights. Passengers are not allowed to smoke inside the aircraft, including the use of electronic cigarettes. Therefore, if someone is a smoker, it is advisable to refrain from carrying cigarettes or any smoking paraphernalia onto the flight.

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

smoking is terrible and i dont suggest it. but if you wanted to take your cigarettes on the plane put them in your luggage.

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How can experimenting with cigarettes lead a teen into becoming a regular smoker?

cigarettes contain nicotine.In experimenting with cigarettes may lead to addiction of nicotine and smoking cigarettes as a regular smoker.

How many cigarettes do people smoke in a year?

7,200 cigarettes, assuming that a smoker smokes 20 cigarettes a day, which can be considered a light smoker. Heavy smokers can reach the astonishing amount of 120 cigarettes a day. Such crazy smoker smokes 43,200 cigarettes during one year.

What are signals that you are a cigarette smoker?

You start smoking cigarettes.

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How many cigarettes constitutes a light smoker?


How much cigarettes does an average smoker smoke?

A pack a day smoker smokes 20 cigarettes x 365 days in a year, or 7300 Cigarettes. Half a pack a day, 3650 5 Cigarettes a day, 1825. One cigarette has between 1 and 1.5 mg of nicotine.

How much of your lungs turn black?

If you're a non-smoker your lungs stay generally pink after death if not greyed out a little, but if your a smoker it'll vary on how heavy is the smoker on the cigarettes

Does Clint eastwood smoke cigarettes?

No. He is a lifelong non-smoker offscreen.

Does Maria Sharapova smoke cigarettes?

Yes, Maria is a smoker.

How much does an average smoker spend on cigarettes a day?

if the average smoker smokes one pack a day it is about $8 to $10 depends on the tax

Is Hayden Christensen a smoker?

He has often been seen in candid photos over the years smoking cigarettes. As of September 2012 he was still a smoker.

How many cigarettes does the same smoker smoke in 40 years?

If the one pack a day smoker has a habit for 40 years, that would come to 20 cigarettes X 365 days per year X 40 years. If that smoker had a two pack a day habit, then the answer would need to be doubled.