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Not necessarily, but it's possible.

Infections, stress and depression also affect period cycles.

If you're concerned, do a pregnancy test as soon as possible.

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Q: If periods doesnt come on 34th day girl is pregnant?
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When your menstruation doesnt come the normal days and its come 3 days instead of 5 days does it mean that you are pregnant?

No it does not mean that you are pregnant. sometimes your periods are just shorter.

When will a girl find out she is pregnant?

she will find out once her period doesnt come

My due date was December 14......yet not come.....what i do getting my periods within 2 not pregnant?

am not pregnant

To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

How soon do symptoms come when pregnant?

after 28 days. that is when one knows that she is not experiencing her periods

How passionate kissing during periods a women can get pregnant?

A woman can not get pregnant by kissing no matter what. A woman can only get preggo when seman come in contact with the female eggs

Is masturbatiom with other boys ok?

No. The fact is that if you mastubate with boys, you get pregnant but a child doesnt come out a rabbit does D:

Can you still get pregnant if the come doesnt stay inside you?

Yes the semen always come back out, this is normal. It has no place to go and the sperms are swimming towards the uterus.

If you where 11 how would you know if you are pregnant?

Firstly to get pregnant you would have to start your period. If you have started at around about 11 then you would know by missing your periods. They should come monthly but if not... There you go.

Does it pain just like periods if you are pregnant my periods are delayed by 4 days and still not come my thighs are painin and all the the symptoms are just like periods?

There is no pain like the pain before and during your periods, associated in the beginning of a pregnancy. If you had unprotected sex, you always have a chance to get pregnant if you don't use oral or other types of contraception. If you are pregnant, symptoms like headache, nausea, change in your appetite, tiredness, pain in the lower part of torso will appear. Also, if you feel like your breast are heavy, tense, and getting bigger suddenly (not in a normal way, not like sometimes when you are about to have your periods), you have big chances of being pregnant. If you aren't, the pain associated with periods like pain in your thighs, great pain down your stomach, little headache, change in your mood is just normal and sometimes periods come late for no specific reasons.Hope this helps! And good luck!

Can you have periods and be pregnant?

yes u can have your period and be pregnant because even though you are pregnant some of the waste there will come out, and there is an experience of mistaken a period for bleeding because you just had a really ruff and hard on sex early in the day...or weeks..

A pregnant woman can't experience periods why?

When the egg don't get fertilized it will come out and since it will not attach in the uterus, the lining of the uterus will change and that is when you bleed. When you are pregnant there are no eggs dropped and the uterus is closed for the baby to be safe.