Probably from getting sick, but it wouldn't be a way you could or should live for more than a couple of days. Fruit is very healthy, but it has a lot of fiber in it. You would probably have some gastric disturbances and diahhrea. Plus, because fruit is so high in it's sugar content, it will cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash. You will be tired, hungry, and shaky afterwards if that's all you eat. You will also find yourself even more hungry since you're not getting any protein, therefore it would cause you to eat more. Don't get me wrong - fruits are rich in antioxidants (which make you healthy and help fight off sickness and cancer) and in vitamins, but they are calorie-dense from all the sugar. A safer food to add in large amounts to your diet would be vegetables. Crunchy vegetables are best, as starchy ones can cause a lot of the same carb problems. But you still would need protein. It's necessary for brain function, as is some fat. If you are trying to stay away from meat and trying being a vegetarian, go for nuts, peanut butter, and loads of soy products. Pretty much there is no food you should exclude out there from the major food groups. The only ones that are good to cut down on drastically are fats (especially saturated fats and trans-fats), highly processed refined carbs and sugars (anything sweet, white bread, white rice, ) and any extra sodium (half a teaspoon of salt is enough for an adult).
You can eat most any fruit an not gain weight. But there is sugar in all fruit so I don't guarantee that you will lose a great amount of weight.
For weight loss, it would be low carbohydrate fruits such as berries.
You may or may not lose weight. For certain groups of people, eating a significant amount of fruit, or certain types of fruit, can hinder weight loss. For more information, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Passion fruit has no special properties that "make you" lose weight.
Possibly any healthy fruit.
Yes, due to the water leaving the fruit, it does in fact lose weight.
It depends on the type and volume of fruit.
It is not healthy to eat only fruit, and there is no way to know how much weight you would lose. Cranberries, guava, blackberries, and strawberries are some of the healthiest fruits to eat.
Part of the rotting process is dehydration, losing moisture. As the fruit rot's, moisture is also lost which is weight.
If a person were to eat fruit for three days straight, they may lose weight. They may not, it depend on the person calorie intake, and their metabolism.
For smaller people its difficult you diet has to be stricter and you would have to do more extercising