If you can't spell it, don't smoke it.
2 to 4 weeks. For some it can stay in your urine for months.
For a long
Maybe a week or 2 depending on how much you have when you do smoke
how long will be in urine
On average, a regular user of tobacco can go how long between dosages of nicotine?
It depends on how much you have in your system, but typically.. yes. If you use alot on a regular basis it may take up to 4 days.
Depending on how often you've smoked, 30 days or less.
An occasional smoker is someone who only smokes a few times per month or less. It will take 15-30 days for it to leave the system so long as a person isn't consuming it every day.
About a week if you drink plenty of water, but not too much
Most chemical drugs are out of your bloodstream and urine in 3-4 days.
My uncle tried it and is at 36 years and counting.