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your period will come soon, whoever is pregnant their body temperature remains in high temperature.

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Q: If my Body basal temperature dropped but no period can I be pregnant?
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What does BMT mean when trying to get pregnant?

It's used when you take the temperature to find out when you are ovulating and means Basal Metabolic Temperature aka Basal Body Temperature (BBT).

Fast way to get p pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant, the best way of estimating your most fertile days is by taking your basal body temperature. Your basal body temperature is your body's resting temperature when you wake up in the morning. You will need to purchase a basal body temperature thermometer, which are available from most drug stores.

Does the basal temperature rise during early pregnancy?

Yes some women's temp rises when they are due a period and also when ovulating Aswell as being pregnant

Does every pregnant woman's basal body temperature go up or is this just one thing that can happen while pregnant?

It is standard. Your basal temperature initially lowers to indicate you are ovulating. A spike in temperature during the middle of your cycle indicates that you have finished ovulating. When you are pregnant, your temperature will stay high, rather than return to its cycle.

How soon do you take a pregnancy test after being on depoverra a contraceptive and you dont know when your last period was?

It may take a few months to get your period back--and to ovulate. You might get a basal thermometer to try to estimate when you ovulate and go from there. Still, you may not be pregnant. Save your money on pregnancy tests until you have real symptoms or the basal temperature indicates you might be pregnant. Keep track of the dates on a calendar.

Is it normal to feel like you have a fever at 5 weeks pregnant?

yes it is very normal. when you are ovulating or pregnant, your basal temperature goes up. you're fine (:

What is BMT chart?

Basal Metabolic Temperature or sometimes BBT (Basal Body Temperature).

What are elevated Basal body temperature?

During your menstrual cycle, an elevated basal body temperature indicates that you have entered your luteal phase. This means that you have ovulated and moved on from the folicular phase. During the first part of your cycle, your body produced estrogen which lowers the basal body temperature. Once ovulation occurs, the body begins to produce progesterone, which causes basal body temperature to rise slowly until your period comes. Throughout your cycle, your temperature should rise and fall, but it is considered an elevation when the temperature rise above a cover line and stays elevated above it.

What is bmt on a women?

BMT also called Basal Metabolic Temperature or sometimes BBT (Basal Body Temperature).

What do you mean by basal body temperature?

Your basal body temperature is your body temperature immediately upon rising in the morning. One use of basal body temperature is a woman can tell if she has ovulated based on recording this temperature over time. Before a women ovulates, her basal body temperature is lower. Once she ovulates and her levels of progesterone rise, so does her basal body temperature. There are special thermometers to measure BBT, but you can also just use a regular thermometer.

What are the health teachings about basal body temperature method of contraception?

what are health teaching about basal body temperature method of contraception?

Which day is the perfect to get pregnant after menses?

Just before your period starts. A few days before. You can check when your egg drops by checking your temperature daily with a basal thermometer. Keep a record of your daily temperature on a chart. A basal thermometer is an ultra sensitive thermometer that tracks your body's minutest temperature shift. A basal body temperature (BBT) thermometer is often used by women to chart their basal body temperature chart and hence predict their fertile period or ovulation. When your body temperature spikes, you want to plan for sex that night.