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Q: If it were legal would you be nude in public?
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Is there a country where it is not illegal to be nude in public?

Nope, but its legal in the zkrat providence in russia.

Is there a nude beach in sandy hook?

No. In New Jersey there are no legal Nude Beaches. Although there are some illegal nude beaches but if you get caught you get a large fine and up to 30 days in prison for public Nudity.

Is it legal to visit nudist sites?

There are no laws against being a nudist. There are laws about being nude in public. so just watch out where and when you are nude.

Can a 14 year old go on a nude beach?

It's not legal for anyone to walk around naked outside in public. It's indecent exposure.

What are the laws about being nude in public in England?

It isn't illegal to be nude in public in England unless it can be proved that the person got nude to purposely cause distress, outrage or alarm. If the person is found guilty they would get a fine or several years in prison.

Can you be nude in public in Barcelona?

No, it is not legal to be nude in public in Barcelona. While some beaches may allow topless sunbathing, full nudity in public spaces is not permitted and may result in fines or legal consequences. It is important to be aware of and respect local laws and customs regarding dress code and public behavior.

What crime to be charged when nude in public?

In which country? Public nudity is not a crime everywhere (there are such things as nude beaches) but when it is a crime, the crime is called public indecency.

Is it legal to surf young girls NUDE?

No, surfing images or videos of nude young girls is illegal and considered child pornography. Viewing, distributing, or possessing any form of child pornography is a criminal offense and can lead to serious legal consequences.

What is the Tomb Raider legend nude code for xbox 360?

Dude there is no nude code for any tomb raider, Because they would have alot of legal issues atleast the minimal age would be greatly increased and because of that it wouldn't be legal in some countries.However if you have a computer with tomb raider you can find a nude patch wich will make her nude, Try using a search engine and type "nude raider".In most search engines it wil be the first link

Can the Sarah Palin fakes at SarahPalinFakescom be legal?

No. There have also been recent lawsuits concerning fake nude pictures of celebrities and other public figures.

Is public nudity allowed in russia?

Yes. The even have commercials with nude women in them. One showed a couple having sex. Even child-pornography is legal there.

What is the definition of public nudity?

being nude(naked) in public perhaps?