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Innocence is a state that can invite opportunities for learning!.

Ignorance is a state brought about by the lack of desire to learn!.

Therefore, we cannot deem an innocent person as ignorant, nor affirm the statement in another way!. They are two completely different things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I would like to add that the info above this i cant completely agree with. I have seen some innocent children with some ignorant parents almost raised to be ignorant. It could be a mental problem, it could be some event that went down who knows. Lets say for example some very religious parties raise their children to be very innocent at times. Their beliefs could be some misinterpretation of an old scripture or something we don't know. But if you've met these ppl they will be ignorant and mean towards people who do not accept their beliefs. After you grow up i believe you are no longer as innocent i know of tons of people whove lost all innocence. But they arent ignorant. As well as the other way around. So basically i don't believe these two words are polar opposites or even just opposites.

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Q: If ignorance is lack of knowledge what is the difference between ignorance and innocence?
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Difference of 18 and 81 general knowledge?

what is difference between 18 & 81 in general knowledge

What is the difference between knowledge and science?

All science is knowledge but not all knowledge is science.

Difference between scientific knowledge and other kinds of knowledge?

the differnce is .... you should go in your book and see cuz i dont have the answer

Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit?

In terms of "thinkers", yes, knowledge can be a burden and sometimes sad or unpleasant. The more you think, the more you think you know, the more you begin to see why ignorance is bliss. The more you experience, the more you know, the more you begin to see why ignorance is not bliss. But when you look deeper you see the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Using this unpleasant acquired knowledge and turning it into something that you can benefit from requires wisdom. It is easily explained but harder to grasp. How can you benefit from unpleasant knowledge that is becoming more apparent as you grow older? There is no real way to teach it but through personal experience. I am not wise, I know my opinions and answers are not fully correct. But one day I will be, it will come to me just as my enlightenment will, and that my friend is something to look forward to :)

What is the difference between founding and originating in science?

Founding is an intentional and deliberate act which requires prior knowledge, organization, and promotion, where as originating is the start that gave the founder the prior knowledge.

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Knowledge is information or understanding gained through experience or study, while ignorance is a lack of knowledge or awareness about a particular subject or topic. Knowledge empowers individuals by providing them with insights and understanding, while ignorance can hinder growth and development.

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I believe ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge, where indifference is not caring one way or another. "I don't know and I don't care!"

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Ignorance refers to lack of knowledge or information, while intelligence refers to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Ignorance is characterized by a lack of understanding or awareness, while intelligence involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and learning from experiences.

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Stupidity refers to a lack of intelligence or the ability to think and understand clearly, while ignorance refers to a lack of knowledge or information about a particular subject. Stupidity implies a general intellectual deficiency, whereas ignorance can be overcome by gaining knowledge and education.

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i don't know and i don't care! ignorance is not knowing and apathy is not caring. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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Ignorance is not knowing, whilst erroneous beliefs are more akin to delusions, which are faulty beliefs.

What is the difference between ignorant and ignorance?

"Ignorant" is an adjective used to describe a person who lacks knowledge or awareness, while "ignorance" refers to a lack of knowledge or information about a particular topic or situation. In other words, one is a descriptor for a person, while the other describes a state of not knowing.

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Knowledge is what you know and skill is what you can do.

Difference of 18 and 81 general knowledge?

what is difference between 18 & 81 in general knowledge

What is the difference between knowledge and science?

All science is knowledge but not all knowledge is science.

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There is no such legal finding or terminology as "mistake of law."