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Q: If baby born in one time sex?
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yes, its good for you, wife and i had sex the day our baby was born

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The sex of the baby isn't known, Mariah chose to just wait till the baby is born to see

When will you know the sex of your baby in second life?

The sex of the baby can be determined at the time of purchase if a random birth package is being used, the sex of the baby will only be known at birth.

How do you plan for a baby when one fallopian tube is present?

Sex, Sex, Sex and more Sex.

How can HIV not be spread?

How can you get HIV? You can get HIV from your mom or dad. When your mom and dad has sex, one of then has HIV. If your dad has HIV and he did sex with your mom and than your mom get it. Then your mom has a baby and then your moms baby will get it. When she has the baby the baby will have it when he grow up. Then your mom and dad will die. Then the baby grow up he will not live long he will die when it comes time. How can HIV not be spread? The only thing is to be heath is to not have sex with no one or you could get HIV. You can't get HIV from kiss. DON'T HAVE SEX WITH NO ONE.

What is the equation of sex?

the equation of sex is:male + female + sex equal a parts of the male and the female and born a baby.

Who is Miranda Cosgrove baby's dad?

No one! She doesn't have a baby. >( But she had sex

If you are pregnant and have unprotected sex after your baby is born will you become pregnant again?

Why do you think there are families with more than one child?

Is conception the same as reproduction?

no conception is having sex to make the baby which will then be reproduction if the baby is born succsesfully.

How are baby elf owls born?

Having a boy owl and a female owl and have sex. Boom! Baby!

Does sex really feeds a baby?

Sex does not feed a baby. Sex makes a baby.