There are 6400 mils in a circle, and also 360 degrees.
6400 divided by 360 is 17.7.
The answer is 17.7 Mils.
How many mil is 2.5 ounces
That is 'ml' NOT mil. There are 170 of them in 6 ounces
A mil being a thousandths of an inch, it is 0.0026 inches.
177 mil. to make 6 ounces
One mil equals 0.001 inch.
1. Sexagesimal System - degree 2. Circular (Natural) System - radian 3. Mil System - mil 4. Grade System - grade
The density of oil MIL-L-23699 is typically around 0.945 - 0.955 g/cm³ at 15.6°C.
That really depends on what you mean by "Mil." Assuming you mean miligram, then your answer is one thousand.
how grams in an ounce
That is 0.00634 cups