Well if I was turned into a baby, I probably would have no memory of anything, play with toys, scribble on coloring books, ask to be read a bed time story every night, ride in a stroller, wear diapers, all that stuff.
The water people turned it off incase of leaks
I have a 1996 GMC Yukon and this happened to me. I would be driving on the highway and all of a sudden the engine would shut off. The fuel filter and then the fuel pump turned out to be my problem.
had that problem with my 96 and turned out to be the fuel pump
Someone turned up the thermostat, or the thermostat has failed. The thermostat tells the heater what temp to keep the water at.
it is broken
No. You would say:'Suddenly'
connection post is broken, take apart and look at connections, resolder where you see fit
The correct phrase is "all of a sudden". Bad grammar is often spread because the phrase is misheard, and "all of a sudden" sounds very similar to "all the sudden" or "all of the sudden" when a person says it quickly.
All of a Sudden was created in 1982.
if all boys turned into girls then everyone would be a lesbian, but no one would be able to get pregnant. Also there would be nothing called a "penis"
If you are pregnant, but can not feel your baby boy at all, there may be reasons for that. It may be too early to feel movement, or the baby may be turned over, and he is not able to kick or punch you.