If he's being that straightforward, he probably means exactly what he says: He likes you a lot!
becase she likes him and she wats to know...
just tel him, sounds wonky but wats the worst that cud happen???
wats up
Wats up my man
Wats the color of the Haitian flags mean
Wats uup you`re alright :P
In my thoughts i would just ask him out cause i would want to knw wats really good with him that's just me!!!
"Wat" is Dutch for the English word "What".
a lick in that way is wen u calim the gang a erson tells you to sit licks u tell them wats ur set branch
In wats, an average nice system has about 250 wats
A: The efficiency will be as 160/200 x 100= 80%
She needs to tell her n accept it