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The latter. He might have a speech impediment after all.

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Q: If a guy stutters around your friend and he can't even talk to you but can go near you and stare at you which is a more nervous sign?
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Does the outgoing guy like your friend if he is overexcited when he says hi and stutters when he says something but he never stares at her?

yes...... this means the guy likes your friend.but if he never ever stares at her it can mean that the guy would just want to be friends with her for a reason. if he stares at her when no one notices him and does not stare at her when all are around...then that definetely means that the guy is crushing on your friend

What does it mean when your the new girl and a guy looks at you and stare at you and then he bumps into and and like stutters and says he sorry then kinda smiles?

It means he likes you.

Why do wome stare at you but then look away?

It means that she likes you but she is nervous.

How could you tell when someone has a crush on you?

Hey, normally they will stare at you in class (has happened to me) They act nervous around you. hope this helps - PS This advice worked for me.

How does a woman's eyes act when nervous around a crush?

If they are shy they might look at your feet. If they rent shy they will stare you right in the eyes especially if you have pretty eyes.

What do you do if a girl laughs at everything you do but does not stare?

Well, it sounds like she is either nervous around others or being social to fit in. Um, what are you asking. Do you want her to stare? If you are interested in the girl, talk to her, ask her out on a date and give her attention instead of focusing the attention on yourself.

Does Trevor Like you?

You can tell that you love some one when you are nervous around that person, when your heart races when your around her , when you feel comfortable around her, when You cant help to stare or look at her,When you allways wanna be by her side, thats how you will know if a girl loves you

What does it mean when a girl tells you she likes you a lot?

* she stares at you a lot * she may become nervous around you * she likes being around you * she gives you her phone number tip- when i like a boy a lot I always stare at them or find a way to get closer to them

If a shy boy likes you how will he react when you stare at him?

When you look at a shy boy that likes you he will be nervous and will start blushing!

Is the guy you like nervous if he can't talk to you but can always go near you and stare at you?

yes, if he is that shy, he won't have the guts to talk to you, but he will try to be near you and get your attention! very nervous..

Why does the guy you like keep moving around you and stand in front of you and stare at you?

He's nervous and can't work up the courage to tell you he likes you, he's secretly hoping the more he's around you, behind you, & staring at you, that you will tell him you like him too

If a guy is 15 and immature and not a player why does he flirt with you and stare at you and then he just talks to your friend n follows her around and when hes with her he looks in your direction?

He's trying to make you jealous.