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Not so long ago it was really up to the guy to phone the girl, but now it's ping-ponging back and forth. It's acceptable for the girl to even ask someone out on a date. Sometimes this is a good thing, because many men are very shy and often lose out on dates because they just can't bring themselves to ask the girl they care about, and men aren't particularly clued-in to the signs women may give off and often they misunderstand the signals. In your case this guy is taking you for granted. You are a woman so be strong, and don't take anything less than what you give back. Meaning: If you are good to him and respect him, expect the same treatment back! Keep on dating and going out with your girlfriends, and don't be one of these young women that hangs off one guy and let's him walk all over you. The less you make yourself available to some types of men the more they want you. Good luck Marcy

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Q: If a guy never calls you when he says he's going to but does call 3 days later is he just nervous and should you call him?
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What do you do when your on the phone and someone else calls and the person your talking to keeps on talking?

You could tell the person on the phone that your going to put them on hold for a minute, then answer the other call and ask them to call back later, then continue your conversation with the first caller.

Why would somebody tell you they want to talk to you about something later and never say anything later?

because maybe they are trying to make the first move and are reallly nervous about it it is a nerve wrecking thing because you are showing you weakness

What does a wink and a smile from a boy mean?

Girl, i think you have someone that likes you. =] Usually, if you know the boy, or he just does it randomly, that means he will see you later. Like, if you know each other and he does that, he is going to ask you out later. In different cases, if your going out, that means that he wants to have sex with you. But not necessarily. There you go, hope i helped. Jennifer. <3 Girl, i think you have someone that likes you. =] Usually, if you know the boy, or he just does it randomly, that means he will see you later. Like, if you know each other and he does that, he is going to ask you out later. In different cases, if your going out, that means that he wants to have sex with you. But not necessarily. There you go, hope i helped. Jennifer. <3

When is Boeing going to send out it's W-2's?

it will be mailed out and postmarked no later then feb1.

What does it mean when a man tells you he doesn't want to talk to you anymore but he calls you 4 weeks later?

. Best bet is he doesn't really care for you personally, just at that moment he needed a warm body.

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