It means he's done having sex at the moment unless he jizzes twice during sex.
A guy jizzes when he has an orgasm.
It means either happy or when a guy is attracted to another guy
It means either happy or when a guy is attracted to another guy
They are made by a guy who lives in a hut. He then goes into 5 years of meditating and therefore he jizzes the gravy out
this means that he still likes you but his happy you found someone new even though its hurting him in the inside
Gay means that a guy has a crush on a guy. It could also mean stupid, or dumb. Another meaning would be happy, but it is usually used as in a guy "liking" a guy. Gay means that a guy has a crush on a guy. It could also mean stupid, or dumb. Another meaning would be happy, but it is usually used as in a guy "liking" a guy.
Yes And it still does but it also means liking a guy when you are a guy yourself.
It means he is glad you are over him. or that he likes you but doesnt want to screw up wat you have
it falls out of the sky and everyone jizzes
This name means excited, happy, hyper, cute and filled with love
Stuff that comes out of a guy's penis when he is very happy.
I'm a guy, and it usually means he likes you but is a little shy.