No, a girl can only get pregnant by sperm entering her vagina, not her stomach.
If she only swallows it, then no.
No, but she might choke if she swallows the penny, or get some sort of poisoning from the copper.
No she can only get pregnant if any of his " parts" get into her. But there one exception that if even if she's doing oral if she even swallows the sperm she can not get pregnant. If you don't want to get pregnant but you wanna do something. Try a condom. Hope this helps.
Swallowing refers to the act of consuming something by passing it through the throat and into the stomach. In a sexual context, when a girl swallows, it typically refers to ingesting ejaculate after performing oral sex on a male partner.
Nothing, it'll just go to her stomach. She can't get pregnant unless the sperm actually enters the vagina. If it enters her mouth then it is a long way away from her egg
The only way for a female to get pregnant is for a man to ejaculate semen into the woman's vagina. A girl can't get pregnant from a girl; a guy cannot get pregnant from a girl.
No. When a girl eat sperms, she will not get pregnant.
Nothing. She will digest it just as she would any other food.
no you cant, it will go into your tummy not where it is suposted to go dont worry
No a girl cant get pregnant from a kiss so that mean you can kiss any girl and she wont get pregnant
A girl becomes pregnant when a sperm reaches her egg.
if she is a virgin then no but she can get pregnant