That means that: she wants to watch a movie with you and possibly only that, but it could also mean that she might like you it all depends on how she acts during the movie like if she looks at you more than the tv screen or if she doesnt pay attention to you at all...and ect.
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Delete it... it wants you to download a virus or malware. It is a fake movie!
She asks "What do you want? He says "your blood.....all over me" It means, literally, that he wants to kill her.
Yes, it is based on a true story it says it in the beginning of the movie.
Dracula (1979) by Frank Langela.
He wants to be chased. He wants the girl to try to court him.
he is probably either being honest, or macho to his friends, watch the body langage, but is shy and confused with what he wants
If a girl says you do not pay attention to me, she wants you to pay more attention to her.
He's a lech and not to be trusted.
she loves you...i think...or wants ur money lol
Only if they see the movie with you.
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It means he wants to f**k your girl
He wants you to tease him (if u r a girl)
Sounds like it, yes.
She wants to make conversation with you.