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She should flirt with him become irresistible and if he flirts back perhaps there is a chance feelings mutual.

try to become friends and firt time to time so he gets some signs then when you think he likes you try to keep in touch by just asking for his number he'll hand his # and then not for TOO long you'll be bf and gf

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Q: If a girl really likes a boy what should she do?
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you boy, ask the girl out. that's what everybody does you freaking idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Then he probably likes her.

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It really depends on the type of girl.

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write a song about it

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i think you should tell the boy how you feel

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if he really does like you then he wouldn't be with the girl hes with he would be with you