

Best Answer

Hey, I'm short and I know, guys tell me all the time it's nice when a girl is short. They have many theories on it, some just like that the girl isn't towering over them, others think short is "cute", and then there are those guys who say short girls develop better in other ways. Rock on if you're short, embrace it!

Answers by other contributors:

  • Yes :) Most if not all guys prefer girls who are shorter than themselves, and while being too tall could be a problem, no guy would mind a very short girlfriend. My own girlfriend is one head shorter than me ;) Agree with above answer, it's cute. Though I wouldn't know what it has to do with developing better in other ways. There are certain things that guys like that come from the girl being shorter... for example reaching down to kiss or being at the same height when she's on your lap.
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