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If a freed slave could not prove that they were legally freed, there most likely, and sadly, returned to slavery.

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Q: If a former slave could not prove he or she had been legally freed then he or she was likely to be?
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Were the slaves freed by the 13th amendment?

Legally, but not actually.

Why did slave holders support settlement of freed slaves in Africa?

Remember that the slaves were freed by force, as a result of the Civil War, and not because their former slave masters had a change of heart and decided voluntarily to free their slaves. This creates a certain amount of hostility. The freed slaves had legitimate reasons to resent their former owners for having enslaved them, and the former slave owners resented the former slaves for having been freed, which they regarded as a form of theft, since slaves were valuable property, who in many cases had been purchased from slave dealers for a great deal of money. If the freed slaves were to return to Africa, a lot of social awkwardness could therefore be avoided.

Why did slaveholdes support settlement of freed slaves in Africa?

They wanted to keep freemen away from slaves. (Apex)

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The Federal Government freed them.

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Liberia was founded in 1821 It was founded so that the freed slaves from the US could have somewhere to live.

Why was Dred Scott not freed as a result of the Supreme Court's decision?

Actually, he was. Despite the decision that held he was property whether he was in a free state or a slave state, his owner freed him which he was legally permitted to do.

What statement describes a major challenge facing former slaves after the abolition of slavery in the US?

Some states passed laws that kept freed slaves from exercising their right to vote