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i know it sounds weird but you tell him back but make sure it wasnt a dare and if hes honest tell him you like him to

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Q: If a boy tells you he likes you and you kind of like him back do you tell him?
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What should you do if a guy tells you he likes you and you say you like them back?

wait till he tells u something then respond back

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It means he likes you back, or he knows you like him, so he tells his friend.

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it depends on what kind of surprising way you mean if he smiles and says hi back or something sweet he likes you but if he says hi? like in a question and is kind of weirded out he could like you and be nervous or he could just be wondering why you are talking to him.

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simply tell them how you feel! when i find out someone likes me and i like them back, i get super excited! if you like them back, tell them. and if you dont' break it to tem nicely :)

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Ask him if this is a joke, but don't act too shocked about it. Whether he likes you or not, if you keep your cool it can go both ways. If you like him back (and he really likes you), than don't tell him everything the first second he tells you. Otherwise if he is lying he could easily brag about how you like him.

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They don't usually freak out like a girl would. Guys are pretty chill about that kind of stuff.

If a guy tells you he likes you but never talks to you and never txts back does he like you or not?

By the info probably not. Because if he did like you he would text to u and talk to you.

What do i do if a guy tells you he likes you but you are to scared to tell him you like him back?

If you think that you like him write him a letter but don't make it a mushy one or he might freak out.