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Lucky that its mutual, unlucky that it's not allowable. Become friends, or disobey the authority.


Tell him that you like him and would love to go out with him but you are not allowed to date yet. If he really likes you he will respect that and possibly ask you again when you are allowed to date.

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1mo ago

It's important to respect your parents' rules about dating. You can still spend time with the boy in group settings or as friends. Communicate your feelings to him honestly and suggest finding ways to enjoy each other's company within the boundaries set by your parents.

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14y ago

Flirt, flirt, flirt!!!!

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Q: If a boy asks you out and your not allowed to date but you really really like him what do you do?
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What should you do if a guy you like asks you out but you can't date?

If a guy asks you out but you aren't allowed to date, whether it's due to religious reasons or that your parents won't let you, you should tell him the truth. If you really like him, then you should go up to him and tell him politely, "I would love to go out with you, but to be truthful, I am not allowed to date." he will understand and if he doesn't, he isn't worth your time. If he does understand, he may wait until you can date, or if he wants to still go out with you, just be good friends until you can date. But be sure that you don't be mean or jealous if he doesn't want to wait and just wants to be friends.

Is it bad to tell the guy that you are not allowed to date like does that mean that limits your chances of him going out with you or him liking you?

It is a moot point whether your chances of going out with him are good since you are not allowed to date, so you must tell him that if he asks you out. Your second question is also moot since; 1.) he must like you if he asks you out, 2.) would the fact that you are not allowed to go out influence whether he likes or not. Probable not.

How can you find out if a girl you like likes you back and how can you find out if she is allowed to date?

if the girl that you like is always around you and hitting you softly or really close when you walk then she might like you. If you notice these things flirt back with her and get to know her. Then when you guys get really close to dating ask her is she allowed to date.

What do you do when your going out with someone The boy asks you out and then you can say yes or no. basically the boy is asking you to be their girlfriend. You hug and kiss buy each other stuff?

You should totally go and date him if you really really like him.Plus you totally know he likes you too.He probly likes you if he asks you out on a date. Like I said if you like him and he likes you totally go for it!

What does it mean if a guy still wants to be friends with you when he is not allowed to date?

If a guy still wants to be friends with you when he is not allowed to date, it means that he really cares for the relationship and would like to see it grow.

Can it be considered a date when a guy asks a girl to a formal for school and both of them really like each other?

i would say yes. pursue it :]

What to do if a boy asks you out but the other boy you really like is now single?

You can say no to the boy that asked you out, but do it nicely and then ask the boy you like out. If he says no then move on in your life and date boys that you like.

What should you do if the boy you like asks you out and you are not allowed to date yet?

Respect your parents wishes, they much older and experienced. They probably want you to enjoy life without the emotional stress relationships can have. I advise that you and the boy just be close best friends and get to know each other.You could tell him you arn't allowed to date but you do like him.

Ask a guy on a date?

If you really like the guy tell your friends you like him, so your friends can tell him good stuff about you and them maybe he will start to like you, so he's asks you out and your not the one asking him.

Does this man like me asks bet i got hot date tonight as started saying hello by my name and goodbye tells me i should have loads of hot dates i really like him since he paid attention?

then go out with him if u really like him

How do you tell a guy you went to homecoming with and then went out on one more date with asks you out again that you just want to be friends?

Just be like I really like you but I want to start out as being friends and then we can move from there

What should you do if a guy that you like asks you if you like him?

sorry chick but you are way off! let him know the truth lying to him will just turn him off because he might know you really do like him and who wants to date a liar!