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There are 365.24 days in a year = 52.17 weeks in a year = 4.39 weeks in a month (most people think we have 4 weeks in a month due to rounding it off however that .39 can make a big difference in the end!) 4.39 weeks (per month) mulitiplied by 9 months = 39.51 weeks gestational period. or you could also say 40 weeks divided by 4.39 weeks per month = 9.1 months In short there are 39.51 weeks in 9 months and there are 43.9 weeks in 10 months.

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Q: If 40 weeks for pregnancy that is 10 months why do they say 9 months?
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Can pregnancy last 10 months?

A normal pregnancy lasts 10 months since it's 40 weeks.

How many months is 30 weeks of pregnancy?

7 and a half if you count a month as 4 weeks, so Id say 7 - 7 1/2. Think of it as 10 more weeks to go until you can eat what you want again.

Is nine months pregnancy accurate?

Human gestation is usually 40 weeks - between 9 and 10 months.

Is there any way a woman could be pregnant 10 and a half to 11 months prior to delivery?

No. 37-42 weeks is the normal frame. About 44 weeks (10 months) is the longest verified pregnancy as the placenta starts to deteriorate after 42 weeks.

Are women pregnant for 10 months?

Some are. An average pregnancy is 40 weeks and some women go over.

How many weeks are there in 10 months?

There are 43 full weeks in 10 months.

When did you conceive you gave birth on 12 July 2006?

10 months earlier. (The average pregnancy is 40 weeks, 10 months, not nine) So close to June to July 2005.

How many months pregnant are you in 10 weeks?

40/9 = 5 weeks/month. 40/10 = 4 weeks/month. Every month actually has 4.5 weeks, but for the sake of argument they just say that it's 9 months. However, going by number of weeks is much more accurate.

How many months are 2 months in 10 weeks?

10 weeks is longer and 2 months is shorter

Is the school 10 months or 40 weeks?

Both. 10 months is 40 weeks.

Can the pregnancy last 10 months?

Yes, a normal gestation can vary between 38 and 40 weeks for a baby born at term.

How many months are women pregnant?

You are pregnant for 40 weeks, which equals 10 months. Doctors give you a 4 week window that allows you to either deliver 2 weeks early or two weeks later then your actual due date. So they consider your pregnancy 9 months, but when at the doctors they count by weeks not months.