

Ideal first date

Updated: 9/27/2023
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13y ago

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AnswerSomewhere romantic, but not too romantic or you could scare the boy away. Probably to the movies, but if you feel that is uncomfortable go on a double date with some friends. Answer You might try a place that is new to you and your date. If you don't know, then just choose a place you enjoy so that you might find that you and the other person have something in common. But if you still don't know, then try a simple lunch or dinner. As long as your date can tell you're confident about the date, they will be able to tell they are going to have a good time. Avoid going to the movies on your first date, you want to spend your time getting to know the person rather than sitting in silence. AnswerI think it is a better idea to go where you are familiar and comfortable, and where you think will facilitate a good time. If it's new, you don't know if the food is lousy or what kind of people hang out there. Perhaps your date has some ideas; you might want to ask him/her too as he/she may have a favorite place where he/she feels comfortable and enjoys. He/She may be impressed that you thought his/her opinion was important, too! But each individual is different; if you and him/her like the adventure of the unknown, then a new place for each of you may be exciting!

we went to the movies and watched a movie he wanted to and it was pretty awesome we had so much fun!

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13y ago
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13y ago
  • Well, I am a girl and do not take her to the movies. First, you should get to know the girl so you know where to go with her. Every girl is different but never take her somewhere where she might feel pressured, like watching a movie in hi/hers house alone.(temptations) HOPE THIS HELPS
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15y ago

May i suggest somewhere fun? Try somewhere like Bowling, or depending on where you live, mini Golf? Somewhere where it won't be awkward, some place you'll have a good time =D Best Of Luck Sam

I wouldn't suggest movies though, it can get awkward fast, especially during those make-out scenes and doesn't give you the chance to talk to her and get to know her.

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15y ago

The movies is always nice. Or a dinner out with her to a restaurant (other than McDonald's). If you are really shy, go to a place with other people, like a school event. But movie dates work real well. I suggest somewhere you can afford but not over the top. A first date can be to a cafe, park, bowling, skating, even an outdoor event somewhere local.

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16y ago

A walk is nice. Even if its just around a neighborhood. If you're really nervous, go with a group of people.

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13y ago

You should take him/her to dinner and/or a movie (one that your date wants to see but one that you don't terribly hate).

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14y ago

ask here where she likes to go and take here there

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11y ago

1. At one of your guy's house

2. A movie

3. A park

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13y ago

most people go to a movie

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