i think your only Gay if you like guys. No you are not gay you are only gay if you have an attraction other man
Wearing girl's clothes does not determine your sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is about who you are attracted to. If you are attracted to people of the same gender, then you may identify as gay, but it's important to explore your feelings and understanding of your sexuality in your own time and on your own terms. What you wear does not dictate your sexual orientation.
If anyone asks you this quest they're gay.
is he shagging other boys?is he wearing gay clothes?is he checking out your dad and not your mum?if all these answers are yes then HE IS!like Matt wakeham.
Sorry I don't understand your question I will trough some possibilities: 1 You are a boy and you like wearing girls clothes Well there is nothing wrong with it and actually many boys that are NOT gay and wear girls clothes. So if you are asking if there is something wrong with well there isnt. 2 You know a boy who wears girls clothes Hey as I said there is nothing wrong and just because he wears girls clothes means he is gay. He can wear because like for example: It is more comfortable, he feels good in it, he thinks he looks good in it, or he likes dressing up like a female character from tv shows or games, etc... 3 You are asking if anyone else wears girls clothes Yes there are many many boys from different ages that wear girls clothes for many many reasons. 4 You are asking if I do Well yea sometimes
They are either GAY or they just like wearing womens underwear and clothing. or they love girls too much and they want to wear them. i am 13 and i wear girls underwear all the time because i love girls too much and the girl underwears are really comfortable to wear.
You are gay if you are sexually and/or romantically attracted to the same sex. That is the only way you can know. What you like wearing has nothing to do with it.
Because straight boys are homophobic in other words they hate gays(note:not all straight boys hate gay boys), while gay girls are girls they are from the opposite sex so basically they would like girls but probably they would like straight girls better than gay girls.
because he is gay and he likes men and because he wears girls clothes.
Kilts or skirts in general? Makes a little difference, but not much. It is really no different then girls wearing pants. For the most part it is someone trying to get attention or upset a parent, not because they like skirts.
Because they are attracted to girls and not boys
no if they like boys and girls they r by though
Well, If they do not like girls then they are gay, but if they are shy then they are not ready for a relationship.Try asking them if there gay.
Not necessarily. If you like guys and girls, you're bisexual.