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I guess that what your hearing is false, because it is not the stuff that makes you high that is bad for your health, it is the amount of non-THC stuff you inhale.

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Q: I heard that smoking bad weed is better for you than the very potent skunk that we all smoke now. Is this true?
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Write a sentence with the word potent?

"The skunk sprayed my dog, leaving her with a potent, foul odor." "Whiskey at about 90 poof (40% alcohol) is quite a potent liquor." potent=strong, powerful, etc.

What is a skunk egg?

Heard that this is a euphemism for "an onion".

What is slang for skunk?

"Polecat" is a term that I have heard, before.

Can Dove bar soap get the smell of skunk off of someone?

Not that I heard of

Is a skunk rabid if out at dusk?

I don't know for sure but that is what I have always heard.

Where is the habitat of skunk?

in forest's mostly, but i heard they can live quite high up

What happens if you smoke too much k2?

Mental disorders such as psychosis can be the result of smoking high grade skunk over a long period of time. Well i say long it would usually take around 5 years of smoking skunk on a daily basis.

Why does your new Honda Civic smell like skunk?

probably the catalytic converter- or you child is smoking in the car

Is the Skunk ape a threat to people?

The better question is: How much of a threat to people pose upon Skunk Apes?

How do you get a skunk out?

Providing services with safety certificates that The Critter Guy provides to their customers. Of the services was skunk. Better leave it to professionals

How much does skunk weed cost?

i think its 5 dollars a gram and 25 a quarter think it cost the same as Reggie or dirt weed in weight...but its more potent

How can you tell you got sprad by a skunk?

A skunk will only spay if frightened, to protect its family, or if it feels threatened. a skunk will give u warnings before they spray because it takes a week to replenish the lost oils. The skunk will stamp its feet and hiss and raise its tail at u and if u dont leave them be they will raise on their fore legs like they are doing a handstand then they will spray, and they can spary up to 10 feet