I guess that what your hearing is false, because it is not the stuff that makes you high that is bad for your health, it is the amount of non-THC stuff you inhale.
"The skunk sprayed my dog, leaving her with a potent, foul odor." "Whiskey at about 90 poof (40% alcohol) is quite a potent liquor." potent=strong, powerful, etc.
Heard that this is a euphemism for "an onion".
"Polecat" is a term that I have heard, before.
Not that I heard of
I don't know for sure but that is what I have always heard.
in forest's mostly, but i heard they can live quite high up
Mental disorders such as psychosis can be the result of smoking high grade skunk over a long period of time. Well i say long it would usually take around 5 years of smoking skunk on a daily basis.
probably the catalytic converter- or you child is smoking in the car
The better question is: How much of a threat to people pose upon Skunk Apes?
Providing services with safety certificates that The Critter Guy provides to their customers. Of the services was skunk. Better leave it to professionals
i think its 5 dollars a gram and 25 a quarter think it cost the same as Reggie or dirt weed in weight...but its more potent
A skunk will only spay if frightened, to protect its family, or if it feels threatened. a skunk will give u warnings before they spray because it takes a week to replenish the lost oils. The skunk will stamp its feet and hiss and raise its tail at u and if u dont leave them be they will raise on their fore legs like they are doing a handstand then they will spray, and they can spary up to 10 feet