

Best Answer

Might be. Best to go see a doctor. Then they can do a pregnancy test and also check for other disorders that could have similar symptoms.

Answercan a girl have a period after she has been in-pregnated Answerdoes a pregnancy test tell you right away that you are pregant
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Q: I had a early short period bad cramps lasting for days dizziness sore boobs and headaches is that a sign for pregnancy?
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What are the signs of having your period or the signs of pregnancy?

Period: Cramps Headaches Nausea Diarrohea Tired Emotional and moody Pregnancy: Missed period Headaches Dizziness Feeling sick and actually being sick Exhausted Positive pregnancy test Emotional and moody Needing to pee more

If you are a virgin but your period is very heavy and are experiencing bad cramps and dizziness?

As long as you have not had intercourse, with anyone , and even if you have heavy heavy, and you have cramps and dizziness , are not signs of pregnancy.

How can you tell whether you have your period or when your pregnant?

Mostly signs of a period and pregnancy are similar but there are more signs to pregnancy. If you have your periods you'd experience: cramps, headaches, sometimes nausea and/or diarrhea, headaches, mood swings and when you are pregnant you'd experience: dizziness for some women, exhaustion, your abdomen feels hard like a ball as if blotted, and a need to pee more often than normal.

Would you get cramps and headaches if your near your period?

i am not sure about headaches but u will get cramps if ur near ur period

Could cramps lower-back-pain burping hiccups nausea headaches dizziness sore breasts and excessive urination all be signs of pregnancy when two days late for your period?

Well I have the same symptoms as you do, without the backpain. I took a pregnancy test 4 days ago and it was negative....I so puzzled!

What are some dangers of the Medi Fast diet?

There have not been any major risks associated with the Medi Fast diet. However, it is possible to experience leg cramps, dizziness, diarrhea or headaches.

What would be some ovulation disease symptoms?

Ovulation disease symptoms can include muscle cramps, intense spasms, bleeding or spotting, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, fainting, back ache and headaches.

What causes headaches and stomach cramps?

Dehydration causes stomach cramps and in most cases headaches. (these symptoms go for men & women of all ages)

Ive been having stomach cramps back aches heart burn and headaches is this a pregnancy sign?

i had bad stomach cramps and headaches in early pregnancy, i was convinced i was going to start my period.. but i didnt i now 5 months pregnant and i still get bad heads and some period like cramps.. Hope this helps

How do you know you're on your period?

your addaude might change or you get headaches and stomach cramps

Do pregnancy cramps feel like menstural cramps?


Can you be pregnant if you have heartburn cramps bloated gas nausea dizziness and your breasts hurt and you have little bumps around your nipples but you're never hungry?

Yes you could be pregnant. There pregnancy symptoms.