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You can get the answers here and you can go and ask to your gynecologist also. Mood swings are common during periods. This happens due to hormonal changes. Both the estrogen and progesterone level drops down before periods.

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Q: I get mood swings during my periods. Why is that so Where can I get answers for this and more queries?
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Related questions

Do you have mood swings when you have your periods?

It is very normal to have mood swings during your period.

Do girls have mood swings the week before or during their periods?

I think its cause they get cramps and is hits alot i get mood swings a week before my period and a few days after ive come off, just one of those things

Why do girls get mad easy when they are on their periods?

The simple answer to this is hormones. A girl or woman's hormones fluctuate significantly during their menstrual cycle causing heightened emotional responses and mood swings.

What are the symptoms of periods?

Headaches,cramps,stress,mood swings,droziness. They are the main bleed from your vag

Do animals have mood swings?

Yes, animals have mood swings. Humans have mood swings, but other animals like dogs, cats, and the like have mood swings with grumpiness, snarling, and growling. They can also have periods of random happiness up behind the grumpiness like licking, snuggling, cuddling, and other verbal cues.

Mood swings during pregnancy?

Mood swings during pregnancy are common due to hormonal changes. It's the reason that pregnant woman are commonly referred to as "Irritable."

What is mood swings tagalog?

Probably Menstruation. Women go through many hormonal changes during that time which can lead to dramatic mood swings.

What emotional changes do female experience during puberty?

i am a 12 year old girl. I have developed quickly so i know alot about puberty. duringpuberty girls have mood swings as they do when they are on their period.Mood swings. During puberty you can be happy one minute and then sad the next. Also females are usually more upset during periods.

What changes happen to the mother during pregnancy?

they get emotional. and moood swings.

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Need to know what vehicle you have.

What happens in puberty for girls?

for female puberty girls get there periods which means that they can have sex and have babies and also they grow boobs. and have mood swings. hope i helped

Why you change moods during your period?

Many women do experience mood swings during menstruation, but not everyone and most women who do experience this can prevent them by regulating hormones, improving general health, and taking a more positive attitude towards menstruation.