Tell them straight up that you don't want to go, that your not into those kinds of things, or that you just don't feel up to it. If there really your friends, they will respect your decision and not hold it against you.
I Dont Know Because .. For One They Dont Haveto Play With YOUR Friends But They Dont Want You To Be Friends With Nasty People, SO I Dont Know!!
It depends on your age, whether you normally wear a nappy at home as you are a bed-wetter, and do you really want your friends to know that you still wear a nappy? Only you can decide - if in doubt, don't sleepover.
Tell your mum that you invited to many people and you dont want to leave anyone out. I'm sure she would understand.
It is always good to just be polite but honest. Thank your friend for the invitation but say you are not able to make it. At any age, it is always best to be direct but polite.
have a regular party, then after have a twilight sleepover.
be a man and grow some hair on ur balls
just tell them you dont want to be friends no more
you dont have to do it in front of his friends if you dont want to tell him you have to tell him something in private and when you are away from them then explain to him that you want to hold his hand and it should all work out........Good luck
From my experience, the best way to have a memorable sleepover, is to not plan it too much. Memories are made when something funny happens or something really different happens. If you plan it right down to the very last detail, it'll feel more like an itinerary or a TO DO list, than a spontaneous sleepover. However you should still plan some stuff to do in your head, and think how each person will react at the sleepover (you dont want to force anyone to do something they dont want to). Bring cameras, and nail polish and other things that you know that you and your friends like doing, so you can have fun doing it together. Do silly dares (not mean or truly embarrassing ones) and stay up all night! Have fun!
watch twilight have a twilight quiz :)
My opinion is first you need to get rid of your imaginary friends. If those people do not want to hang out with you then that is their loss. You should friends that like you for you. Just please get rid of the imaginary friends.
you can always ask your friends mom to ask her or you can ask your moms spouse if she has one