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For how long? It could be nothing or it could be dangerous. You really need to get to the docs or hospital.

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Q: I am 17 weeks pregnant and have heavy red bleeding?
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What does it mean if you are 14 weeks pregnant and after intercourse i had a very heavy red spotting?

Nothing abnormal was friend was exactley the same and shes 29 weeks pregnant and after intercourse she bled heavy but everything is fine now

Can you be pregnant but have continuous bleeding early on. I am 7 weeks pregnant and have been lightly bleeding since week 5. I had an emergency scan last week and baby is fine. But why?

It is probably from implantation bleeding which occurs around 2 weeks after ovulation. Which is light and noticeable around week 4 (cause most don't know they're pregnant and are looking for their period) If it is brown, it is not fresh blood. You have no need to worry unless it becomes heavy and red w/ clots. I had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago so I know what to look for. You may also have cramps; I did not. But the bleeding was heavier than my normal period. But like I said you have nothing to worry about unless you are in pain or the blood is red and/or heavy. BTW Congratulations and I'm sure everything is fine :)

You missed one pill are you not pregnant but your period is still flowing?

If your period is heavy and red this should mean that you are not pregnant because heavy bleeding usually means that your egg has been released and dropped meaning it wasn't fertilized.

I am 6 weeks pregnant and spotting pink and once in the pink discharge there was a pin sized bright red clot how bad are my chances?

You need to see a doctor about this, it could be serious or it could be nothing. A scan will confirm if your baby is OK. I had bright red bleeding a 5 Weeks and had 2 scans that confirmed everything was OK but now at 8 Weeks have the bright red bleeding again so have a scan booked for tomorrow.

Could it be implantation bleeding if it's bright red and very heavy with signs of clots?

No this is a normal heavy period. Implantation bleeding is usually light.

You are 7 weeks pregnant and bleeding the blood is sometimes brown and sometimes red and ive had 1 small blood clot and im scared whats happening?

CaLl ThE DoCtOr!!!

What are the symptoms of a micarriage in the first few weeks of a pregnancy?

Severe cramping, heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, clots, sudden stop in pregnancy symptoms are a few. If you feel that you may be having a miscarriage contact your dr and go to the ER immediately.

Can a bright red 3 day period medium flow some small clots 8 days after ovulation be considered implantation bleeding?

Hello, Unlikely but its difficult to say. Implantation bleeding is usually pinkish discharge, spotting of blood for a few hours or brown bleeding for 3 days. Not a heavy flow red bleeding. Test in 2 weeks and if its positive, then you know its implantation bleeding.

You did a clear blue test that said you were 2 to 3 weeks pregnant then 2 days ago you had a brown bleed and today you lost a small clot but had no pain now you are bleeding but its not heavy just red?

Make an appointment at the doctor tomorrow so they can see if you had a miscarriage. If you did and not everything is out they have to scrape the uterus so you don't get infections.

You are 7 weeks pregnant and experiencing cramps and bleeding First pink then brown and clots now bright red Should you go to the ER?

Yes you should,i was just 5 weeks pregnant and started bleeding and cramping,i had a little blood clot.I did'NT go to the E.R.When i went to my docter a few days later,they said it was'NT a period,i had a miscarriage.They said i should've definitely went to the E.R.You should not be bleeding,having clots,or cramping.Go ASAP.Good luck

You have been pregnant for 4 weeks had blackish minimal bleeding from 2 days ago lasted for 1 hour now having closed cervix and dry and there is no bleeding at all what is the blackish bleeding?

This sounds a lot like implantation bleeding. While an EPT has detected hcg levels in your urine, indicating pregnancy, it usually takes between 6-14 days for the embryo to implant in your uterus. For many women, they mistake it for their period/ miscarriage (if you already know you are pregnant). I have had 2 miscarriages and the bleeding was heavy, bright red and accompanied by clots and cramps. I am pregnant again (8 weeks) and this time I had implantation bleeding right around my period time (approx 4 weeks). It was dark and minimal, lasting only about 30 mins. I just had my first fetal ultrasound and I have a healthy baby with a heartbeat! So don't worry too much. The only thing you can do at this point is wait it out, perhaps take another EPT in a few days or get your hcg levels taken by your doctor, and hope for the best.

Red blood spotting at 13 weeks pregnant but only after sex should i worry?

You don't have to worry about spotting. You should worry about a heavy flow. You should also talk to your doctor.