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Instead of talking to him try talking to his friends. If he keeps mentioning you to them then he likes you if not then i don't think he does.

Also if he keeps looking at you in classes that s a great sign

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11mo ago

It can be difficult to decipher someone's feelings based on their actions alone. The best way to know for sure is to communicate directly with the person and ask them how they feel. Pay attention to how they respond and their body language, as that can often give you a clearer indication of their true feelings.

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Q: I'm confused if this guy likes me or Not?
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Ask her out! Girls get confused and upset when a guy likes them but doesn't do anything about it.

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Just see if he approaches you or not. If he likes you aswell, he'll come to you and talk. Maybe ask him if he knows that you like him (even if you already know he knows). Just be patient.

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The guy does most properly like your bff and not you, you assume that he likes you because of the way he acts around you not how he feels. Hope it helped x

You think this guy likes you but im not sure?

Ha, wow. Only a guy can tell if another likes someone. They are more complicated than us. ;)

Is it gay if a guy likes one direction?

No, everyone has their own taste in music. im a guy and i like them

Im confused about a guy what do you do?

Need a little more information there sweetie.. my advise is to just wait.

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If a guy likes your friend and not you dont be sad , there are way" bigger fish in the sea". Im sure you will find someone WAY HOTTER.

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some guy from Florida im not sure tho

How do you know if this guy likes you or not?

Ask him. Well like he flirts with me alll the time and during basketball season he always somehow ended up sitting by me. But he never texts me but he acts like he likes me and asks me if im going to this persons party or not and stuff like that and i don't get it and am really confused

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im a girl and im guessing it means that she likes you a lot but isn't ready to go out with you.