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trans fat

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Q: Hydrogenation produces what kinds of fat?
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Does Hydrogenation increase a fat's susceptibility to rancidity and shortens its shelf life?

Yes, hydrogenation of fat does increase its shelf life. The hydrogenation of the unsaturated fats usually produces the saturated fats.

What is the process of fat hydrogenation?

The process of fat hydrogenation involves a high temperature and the involvement of a metallic catalyst. The metallic catalyst either increases or decreases the number of the chemical bonds within the molecules of the substances.

What hydrogenation of oil will yield?

saturated fat

Does hydrogenation of fat reduce its calorie content?

Not really, no.

What is hydrogenation and why is it done?

Hydrogenation is the proccess that makes unsaturated fat have characteristics of saturated fat. During the process the shape of the fat molecule changes for cis to trans form. This process increases the risk of heart disease.

What is true of trans fat?

Made through the process of hydrogenation

Catalytic hydrogenation of benzene produces what?

The catalytic hydrogenation of benzene typically produces cyclohexane by adding hydrogen gas in the presence of a catalyst like platinum or palladium. This process involves breaking the double bonds of benzene and saturating them with hydrogen atoms.

What does hydrogenation of fat mean?

A number of natural fats contain double bonds. Adding hydrogen to those bonds changes them to single bonds. That raises the temperature at which the fat will burn during the cooking process. When nature hydrogenates fat, it always produces cis fat. It never produces trans fat. Trans fat does not appear in nature. It does appear in cattle fed in feed lots. Feed lots do not appear in nature. Companies can add hydrogen to fat and produce either cis or trans fat. The technology exists to produce either. It has been around for years.

Does Hydrogenation conatin good fat?

No, hydrogenated oils are solid at room temperature. They are not good for you.

In the process of fat hydrogenation hydrogen atoms are added to which part of the molecule?

Hydrogen atoms are added to the double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids during the process of fat hydrogenation to saturate the bonds and convert the unsaturated fats into saturated fats.

What is a trans fat and how did it get in your margarine?

Unsaturated fat. there is double bonds between the carbons making it semi solid. It gets in margarine by the process of hydrogenation.

What fat is produced through hydrogenation?

Trans fats are produced through hydrogenation, a process in which hydrogen is added to unsaturated fats to make them more solid and stable at room temperature. Consuming trans fats can raise levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood and increase the risk of heart disease.