Slavery is as old as humans.
Slaves were taken from the survivors of battles, wars, and conquests. The word slave is taken from slavs, the southern European people living in the Yugoslavia area.
The aboriginal people practised slavery for perhaps thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans.
There is no exact date or place that slavery can be given. Thousands of years of slavery have existed. The bible talks about slaves and slaves were bought and sold by civilizations from the earliest times.
Until it was globally outlawed, slavery has been an institution practiced since ancient times. Nearly all ancient civilizations had slaves.
Slavery is as old as mankind, as soon as people had the ability to stand over others and make them do their work for them is when they started.
More than one W H country at the start of the 19th century.
yes but leo and luke are fighting for her.
No, slavery started long before, in Ancient countries.
Slavery has existed as long as humans have been alive.
Slavery was part of Texas culture before it entered the Union.
No slavery was used in ancient cultures. It was started in America in 1719.
Yes it did
Economics. People could make a great deal of money from slavery.
Yes, the civil war was started on the issue of slavery.
Slavery has been around as long as there have been humans.
He helped to start the Civil War, and the war brought about the end of slavery.