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Things change in your relationship

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4y ago

Not texting back fast enough and feel like they giving someone else your attention

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Q: How you know when they are cheating?
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He isn't cheating on her.

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Justin Bieber is not cheating on her.

How do you convince your girl your not cheating?

Try, I don't know, NOT CHEATING.

How do you know if you are cheating?

you will know if your cheating when you are dating someone and dating someone else at the same time.

Did the Patriots know they were cheating?

The Patriots did not cheat. Therefore they could not have known they were "cheating".

If you're dating two sisters and they know about each other is that cheating?

If they know about each other then no, it's not technically cheating.

How do you know when your girlfriend cheating on you?

Ask her if shes cheating on you! Nah im kidding i dont know sorry ? :( and im a guy

How can you know if she is cheating with a women?

Most likely in the same ways that you might know she was cheating with a man. It could even be less obvious, though, especially if she was cheating with one of her female friends.

How do you know your girlfriend is cheating?

Follow her

How can you know if she is cheating with a woman?

Ask her.

How do you know when a woman is cheating?


How do you know if husband is cheating?

ask him