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Haha we've all been here i think. Alright here's what you need to know. when you breathe in smoke you need to not only hold it in for 3-9 seconds (i like 6 myself) but you need to breathe deep. like deeper than you'd ever thought possible. so you get handed the blunt, take a breath about 1/3 your total capacity, make sure you don't cough XD after that inhale with either your mouth or nose whilst keeping the smoke in. then if you can go further take another puff and repeat. remember though the rule of thumb is puff puff pass so don't chief and enjoy! And always remember ladies and gents, pass to the left. Puff Puff Pass, to the left.. And get HIGH!!!!!! After a minute of learning how to hit it, it becomes second nature to smoke that bleezy.. And blunts are the best, right after bong hits... So keep tokin kids.

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Q: How you hit the blunt hard?
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well, i guess it depends on the person and how hard it was hit. i was hit pretty good with a small blunt piece of metal and it was already blue a few hours later. so i would say 3-4 hours, again depending on were and how hard it was hit.

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Its when 2 people are smoking and when one person takes a hit the other person puts his mouth over the blunt and blows very hard which in turn makes the person that's taking the hit much stronger and more smoke because the person that has their mouth over the blunt while the other person is hitting it is blowing very hard and forcing it to burn hotter and faster.

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When water and air work together they create a barrier. All the blunt object does is breaks it before you hit it.