Display problem, not acces my received calls numbers, dailed calls numbers
A typical job in a call center would be to answer incoming calls or dial out for outgoing calls. They are often responsible for customer service or answering questions from a 1 800 number.
If the call is marked private then no information on who called is recorded
I Want Incoming Call Derails
An incoming call
Business systems with such as a PBX or key system are adversely affected in incoming, outgoing call collisions and therefore require a special signaling method - Ground Start Signaling - to eliminate the chance of glare.
How can i wany aircel incoming and outgoing call detail no is
Hi I want details of incoming call
Outgoing calls should be itemised on your bill. Incoming calls are not usually listed (because you're not charged to receive calls !) If that's not your number - you have no right to access the calls information !
go to customer care they will take care you.
Receving incoming calls and having a call on outgoing call
No, not possible. You can get outgoing call log list, if you are postpaid customer. But, one way to get incoming and outgoing call log list; simple you should carry one FRI copy from Police Department and submit at reliance customer care.
A typical job in a call center would be to answer incoming calls or dial out for outgoing calls. They are often responsible for customer service or answering questions from a 1 800 number.
i want incoming & outgoing call details of idea no.9723188533
Go to call history or call log. It's easy to find, it's in the menu. You can delete your call history though, so if your looking for 100% accuracy - check the bill. It includes an itemized list of every outgoing and incoming call and text
To get a list of your recent calls, you can check your call history on your phone. Most smartphones have a call log feature that displays your recent incoming, outgoing, and missed calls. You can access this by opening your phone app and looking for the call history option.
Call Divert is the facility with which you can divert the incoming calls (based on options selected by you in your handset settings) to any local number. Each diverted call if answered shall be charged as per applicable outgoing rates.