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Unfortunately, Sometimes you can not. I didn't. I was only 18 weeks, and just started to feel him move around, but when i went to the doctor, there was no heartbeat so i had to an ultrasound to confirm.

I went to the Doctors for my 16 week checkup and they could not find a heartbeat so I had an ultrasound and they confirmed my baby died around 13 weeks. So for almost 3 weeks I carried my dead son with no symptoms at all no pain nor bleeding.

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Q: How will you know if your baby dies in your womb?
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What is baby birth?

Its simply a child that dies inside the mothers womb.

What is still birth baby?

Its simply a child that dies inside the mothers womb.

How do you know when your baby cries in the womb?

when the baby keeps on kicking

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yes it may be odd and if you dont want to you dont have to

What is it called when your baby dies in your womb?

If a baby dies at birth, it's called "stillborn".

How do you know your baby's genotype in the womb?

It is possible to know about your baby's genotype in the womb. If one has a great deal of money, they can pay a doctor to do special testing on the fetus.

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Up to 700 lbs the mother later dies of heart failure.

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I believe it is called Dronky but if i was them i would call it Hippolattaboomboom that came out of a dragon's womb womb!But i dont know really... HA!

How does the doctor know your baby died at 8 weeks in the womb?

Dr. can detect by checking the heart beat of the baby, and also when the baby is not kicking the mother will also know

What are miscariges?

A miscarriage is when the Baby dies inside the Pregnant womans womb. Thyere are a few reasons to how this can happen. Smoking and drinking alcohol is one of them