The carbohydrate intake has nothing to do with your menstruation. Most of the articles in your food does not affect the menstruation.
No not at all. Hormones effect menstruation.
can beerinduced menstruation
The alcohol in not known to affect the flow of menstruation.
Menstruation does not typically affect the results of a urine test. However, if a woman is experiencing vaginal bleeding that contaminates the urine sample, it may affect the test results. It is always recommended to inform the healthcare provider if there is any concern about the accuracy of the test due to menstruation.
Yes. Menstruation will not affect antibody levels or actual virus in the blood if you are infected.
I had a unilateral Salpingo Oophorectomy as a cyst on my right ovary had ruptured and caused severe infection. I was in the hospital for a week afterwards, and during that time I was supposed to be on birth control pills, but due to the nature of the surgery I stopped taking them. My period began a few days after the surgery as it normally does when I take a break from the pill, though I did notice it was lighter (I've always had heavy periods). From this, I think that the effect is minimal, as the remaining ovary is still ovulating.
thats a training of unilateral
Menstruation is an involuntary process. The rate of flow/bleeding is not influenced by what we do. Certain medications as well as stress may affect it.