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For the crew and captains of Middle Passage boats, food supply for the slaves was a nuisance, as well as a necessity. Because so much food was needed to feed the slaves in the over packed boats, some captains did not want to waste the boat space on food, but rather on slaves, and so they brought far too little food on the voyage. This low supply of food also created a problem- too many slaves would die of starvation if there was not enough food to feed them. The Portuguese had laid down precise regulations in the amount of food need for the journey of a slave vessel, and for a time those rules were maintained. The Law of 1684 emphasized these regulations. However captains bound for Rio from Luanda or Benguela in Angola often refused to buy what was needed. Food was certainly under supplied.

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Q: How were slaves fed on ships?
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How often were slaves fed on the slave ships?

about twice a day

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Were there routines on the slave ships?

Life aboard slave ships was very cramped and disease was rampant. In good weather the slaves were brought on deck and forced to exercise, and they were fed twice a day.

Do slaves get fed good?

Usually not. Slaves are usually fed cheaply or little at all. Only a few special slaves eat well.

How many slaves were on the ships?

1000 slaves

How were slaves treated when they came to America?

The slaves were treated horribly by a lot of people but some people were not cruel to the slaves. On slave ships coming to America from Africa it was horrible. The slaves were all chained together chained together and were only fed potatoes. The slaves often died on ships. If a slave died on a ship, they would be dumped. The slaves were kept in the lower part of a ship. It lacked anything clean and was full of infection. Some of the slaves attempted to jump over bored to die.

Did slaves walk around on the slave ships?

Slaves were manacled and packed tightly into the holds of the slave ships.

What were slaves in the US fed?

they were fed scrapes of food left on their owners plate

How were slaves treated on ships?

they were treated horribly. they were shackled on capture. they were whipped like they were not human packed together in tight spaces. they were fed horribly were also put in a non-ventilation area.

Did Columbus use slaves to pay his ships crew?

No. No slaves were involved.

What are specific hardships the African slaves had?

none the slaves did not own ships

Did the Nina and pinta ships have slaves on them?
