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They were captured and brought back on slaveships.

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Q: How were slaves bought to America?
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Related questions

What took place in the slave trade?

The Europeans landed in Africa and bought slaves from Africa. They brought the slaves to the colonies in America by ship.

Why were the slaves were mainly bought by British boats?

America was originally formed by Britain. so therefor we traded with the British and they brought over the slaves from the West Indies.

Who bought plaisance Guyana south America?

The village of Plaisance, located on the East Coast of Demerara was one of the first villages bought by slaves after they were freed by the British.

Where were the first slaves bought?

Slaves weren't bought, they were stolen, killed, and taken. They had no choice in the matter. Colonists from America tried to enslave Indians, but the Indians knew the land to well, and ran away. African Americans had no place to go!

What did most rich southern planter do with their wealth?

C.They put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

Were there slaves in ancient America?

Yes there were slaves in ancient america.

What did the slaves do when they came to America?

because they were forced to America to work as slaves

When and where the first slaves sold in America?

when and where were the first slaves sold in america

Why did slaves stay in America instead of going back to Africa?

The Africans that were bought or stolen and sent to America to be slaves stayed in America because they had no way to return to Africa. Many slaves tried to escape at some point of their journey, by means of suicide or fleeing; but, to return to Africa they would have needed ships and captains willing to transport them. Finding these things would have been virtually impossible.

Who were the slaves of America?

Slaves from Africa.

What are dower slaves?

Dower slaves were slaves that were given as part of a marriage settlement, known as a dower, during the colonial period in America. They were typically female slaves who were gifted to the bride by her family or husband. These slaves were considered property and could be bought, sold, or inherited along with other possessions.

Where did the slave owners buy there slaves?

The slave owners bought their slaves at auctions.