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Ohh... what would life be like without an iPod.... Well let's think, the iPod is a fairly new invention so if you are over 10 years old, YOU SHOULD REMEMBER! People rely too much on electronic stuff, it is pathetic. Do you know that everyone got worked up and thought the world was going to end if the computer systems crashed, I mean really. Think about the 1800's...

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Life was about the same. Many people love the idea of life with less technology. Ipod nano is a recent technology that has not change the fabric of life in America much at all.

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What is the battery life of an iPod Nano?

24 hours and 5 days

Life before the ipod?

Was there?

Are there any accessories for the IPod Nano?

Yes, you can get a case or you can get earphones. I have accessorized my iPod fully make sure you only spend what you need to. Please don't spend too much on your iPod and focus more on your life.

Why you would use flash memory in your ipod instead of a hard drive?

Both the iPod nano and the shuffle use flash memory instead of a hard drive to store songs and, in the case of the nano, photos and videos as well.

How was life before the mouse was invented?

Life didn't exist before the mouse was invented. Plain and Simple! :)

What did they do before the iPod was out?

it's simple... watched tv ate crisps and listened to an MP3! you do know people did have a life before the iPod Or did they?!

What did alexander do before the invention of the iPod?

Alexander Graham Bell lived his entire life and died long before the invention of the iPod.

Which is best iPod Nano or Creative Zen for everyday use?

iPod Nano by far! According to user reviews on, users preferred their Creative Zens to their iPods for the better compatibility, quality and battery life. I have tried ipod's in the past. i cant stand them . if you want a scratched up mp3 player which scratches the minute you buy it get the ipod nano. but i have always had the creative mp3 players, and ive currently got the creative zen v plus. Its a great mp3 player, with great sound quality and easy to use even has a built in radio, unlike the ipod and voice record .and also it doesnt scratch like the ipod. ive had mine for about a year and im extremly happy with it ! :D George

How was life before the wheel was invented?

life before wheel were invented was that pottery makers used wheels for shaping clay into pots

What was life before the helicopter was invented?

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How much battery life does a 8GB ipod nano have?

If the battery is fully charged it will give you roughly 24 hours music playback or 5 hours video playback Hope this helps :)