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defined thkness of fiber glass for purpose of moulding in interior designing? defined thkness of fiber glass for purpose of moulding in interior designing? defined thkness of fiber glass for purpose of moulding in interior designing?

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The width of the wall of the pool, about the first 42" down from the top, depends on the type of pool. Excluding pools older than 40 years, gunite and concrete pool walls are 12" thicik; fiberglass pool walls are 5/8" thick, and most vinyl liner pool walls are 1/8" thick and made of galvanized steel. A very small percentage of vinyl liner pool walls fiberglass and 3/8" thick, plus an even smaller percentage are cypress wood about 8" thick.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It depends on the pool, but it appears that on average they run around 20 Gauge, or the slightly thicker 20 Mil. Both of these are roughly .5 mm or .02 inch. 25 Mil/Gauge is thicker, and usually carry a better warranty.

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Related questions

Where can one buy a pool liner?

There are many places where one can buy a pool liner. One can buy a pool liner at popular on the web sources such as Liner World, USA Pool Pros, and National Pool Wholesalers.

Does a pool liner pad stop an existing leak?

The pool liner pad is placed underneath the pool liner to prevent items from cutting through the liner. If the liner is already leaking, the liner pad will not stop the leak.

How do you turn a fully concrete liner pool into a fully concrete pool with out a liner?

by taking the liner away!

What is a pool liner?

Overlap refers to just that... the liner overlaps the top of the pool. The other option is a hung liner, where the liner locks into a track..

Pool Liner?

form_title= Pool Liner form_header= Replace or install a liner for your pool. Do you need to replace an existing liner?*= () Yes () No Is it an in-ground or above-ground pool?*= () In Ground () Above Ground What is the size of your pool?*= _ [50]

How much pool liner do you allow at top for overlap pools?

That normally depends on where you are getting the liner from, but in most cases, you measure the pool diameter and actual pool wall height. When you order the liner, let the liner manufacturer know the liner is for an above-ground pool with an overlap liner. The liner manufacturer will then make the pool wall enough longer to allow several inches of liner material to fold over the top of the pool wall and anchor it in place with the liner locking strips.

What is a overlap pool liner?

Overlap refers to just that... the liner overlaps the top of the pool. The other option is a hung liner, where the liner locks into a track..

Should you drain your pool when it is about to overflow?

You should never completely drain an above ground pool. The chemicals in the vinyl liner that allow it to stretch when originally installed do not last. If you drain the water, the liner will shrink and when you refill the pool there is a good chance that instead of stretching back the liner will rip instead. NEVER drain your pool.

Is vinyl pool liners same as plastic?

This is unfortunately a circuitous question since both are common names for the same product. PVC stands for PolyVinyl Chloride and this type of liner is often refered to as a "Vinyl Liner". Sometimes when someone asks for a PVC pool liner they are referring to a Commercial (reinforced for strenght and textured for slip resistance) PVC Pool Liner or PVC Pool Membrane (e.g. RenoSys is the most successfully installed North American Brand). Whereas residential PVC or Vinyl Liners are only 20 to 28 mils thick, a Commercial membrane is reinforced with a scrim and is typically 60 mils thick.

How do different color liners affect blueness of pool water?

The pool water draws its color from the liner. If you buy a white liner, then the pool water will not be blue. If you use a light blue liner, then the pool will be light blue. In my opinion, the best liner is a darker blue liner with ripples on it. Your pool will look gorgeous and inviting and the ripple effect makes it difficult to see any dirt in your pool. A solid color liner lets you see everything, which isn't always pretty.

Is there any products to use to prolong the life of my pool liner?

There are a number of products you can use to prolong the life of your pool. You could install a wall foam between your pool wall and the liner to keep a smooth surface next to your liner to help prevent punctures. You could purchase a liner pad or pool padding for the bottom of your pool. And you can invest in vinyl liner repair kits to repair the small punctures and prolong the life of your liner.

Can you rehang the liner on your above-ground pool if it fell over in the winter?

You can rehang the liner on your above-ground pool if it fell over in the winter but you will need to remove the pool corner caps, the rail, and all of the water. You can then re-stretch the pool liner and refill the pool.